Contacting Ashlea Medical Practice

From Monday 20th January 2025 we will be changing the hours in which you can contact the practice by telephone. This will see the telephones turned off thirty minutes earlier than they currently are.

Current telephone hours: 8.00am - 6.30pm (off between 1pm-2pm)

New telephone hours: 8.00am - 6.00pm (off between 1pm-2pm)

This change applies to both Linden House and Gilbert House and is to ensure that the reception teams and triage GP's can safely manage any late afternoon urgent or emergency requirements.

There is no change to our opening hours and patients can still access the surgeries in person between 8.00am - 6.30pm.

Can we take this opportunity to remind patients that the best time to contact the practice for any non-urgent appointment requests or queries is after 10.00am

Published on 17 January 2025